
Service Identifier (SID) data parameter implementation.


Service Identifiers values and their meanings are defined by ISO 14229-1 and SAE J1979 standards.

Module Contents



Request Service Identifier values.


Response Service Identifier values.



Set with all possible values of Request SID data parameter according to SAE J1979 and ISO 14229 standards.


Set with all possible values of Response SID data parameter according to SAE J1979 and ISO 14229 standards.

uds.message.service_identifiers.ALL_REQUEST_SIDS: uds.utilities.RawBytesSetAlias

Set with all possible values of Request SID data parameter according to SAE J1979 and ISO 14229 standards.

uds.message.service_identifiers.ALL_RESPONSE_SIDS: uds.utilities.RawBytesSetAlias

Set with all possible values of Response SID data parameter according to SAE J1979 and ISO 14229 standards.

exception uds.message.service_identifiers.UnrecognizedSIDWarning[source]

Bases: Warning

Inheritance diagram of uds.message.service_identifiers.UnrecognizedSIDWarning

Warning about SID value that is legit but not recognized by the package.


If you want to register a SID value, you need to define members (for this SID) manually using add_member() method (on RequestSID and ResponseSID classes).

You can also create feature request in the UDS project issues management system to register a SID value (for which this warning was raised).

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class uds.message.service_identifiers.RequestSID[source]

Bases: uds.utilities.ByteEnum, uds.utilities.ValidatedEnum, uds.utilities.ExtendableEnum

Inheritance diagram of uds.message.service_identifiers.RequestSID

Request Service Identifier values.


Request SID is always the first payload byte of all request message.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

DiagnosticSessionControl: RequestSID = 16
ECUReset: RequestSID = 17
SecurityAccess: RequestSID = 39
CommunicationControl: RequestSID = 40
Authentication: RequestSID = 41
TesterPresent: RequestSID = 62
ControlDTCSetting: RequestSID = 133
ResponseOnEvent: RequestSID = 134
LinkControl: RequestSID = 135
ReadDataByIdentifier: RequestSID = 34
ReadMemoryByAddress: RequestSID = 35
ReadScalingDataByIdentifier: RequestSID = 36
ReadDataByPeriodicIdentifier: RequestSID = 42
DynamicallyDefineDataIdentifier: RequestSID = 44
WriteDataByIdentifier: RequestSID = 46
WriteMemoryByAddress: RequestSID = 61
ClearDiagnosticInformation: RequestSID = 20
ReadDTCInformation: RequestSID = 25
InputOutputControlByIdentifier: RequestSID = 47
RoutineControl: RequestSID = 49
RequestDownload: RequestSID = 52
RequestUpload: RequestSID = 53
TransferData: RequestSID = 54
RequestTransferExit: RequestSID = 55
RequestFileTransfer: RequestSID = 56
SecuredDataTransmission: RequestSID = 132
classmethod is_request_sid(value)[source]

Check whether given value is Service Identifier (SID).


value (int) – Value to check.


True if value is valid SID, else False.

Return type:


class uds.message.service_identifiers.ResponseSID[source]

Bases: uds.utilities.ByteEnum, uds.utilities.ValidatedEnum, uds.utilities.ExtendableEnum

Inheritance diagram of uds.message.service_identifiers.ResponseSID

Response Service Identifier values.


Response SID is always the first payload byte of all request message.


This enum contains multiple members (for all the services as RequestSID), but most of them are dynamically (implicitly) added and invisible in the documentation.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

NegativeResponse: ResponseSID = 127
classmethod is_response_sid(value)[source]

Check whether given value is Response Service Identifier (RSID).


value (int) – Value to check.


True if value is valid RSID, else False.

Return type:
