
Module with common implementation of all diagnostic messages (requests and responses).

Diagnostic messages are defined on higher layers of UDS OSI Model.

Module Contents



Definition of a diagnostic message.


Storage for historic information of a diagnostic message that was either received or transmitted.

class uds.messages.uds_message.UdsMessage(payload, addressing)[source]

Definition of a diagnostic message.

Objects of this class act as a storage for all relevant attributes of a diagnostic message. Later on, such object might be used in segmentation process or to transmit the message. Once a message is transmitted, its historic data would be stored in UdsMessageRecord.

Create a storage for a single diagnostic message.

  • payload (uds.utilities.RawBytes) – Raw bytes of payload that this diagnostic message carries.

  • addressing (uds.messages.transmission_attributes.AddressingMemberTyping) – Addressing type for which this message is relevant.

property payload(self)

Raw bytes of payload that this diagnostic message carries.

Return type


property addressing(self)

Addressing type for which this message is relevant.

Return type


class uds.messages.uds_message.UdsMessageRecord(payload, packets_records)[source]

Storage for historic information of a diagnostic message that was either received or transmitted.

Create a record of a historic information about a diagnostic message that was either received or transmitted.

  • packets_records (uds.messages.uds_packet.PacketsRecordsSequence) – Sequence (in transmission order) of UDS packets records that carried this diagnostic message.

  • payload (uds.utilities.RawBytes) –

static __validate_packets_records(value)

Validate whether the argument contains UDS Packets records.


value (Any) – Value to validate.

  • TypeError – UDS Packet Records sequence is not list or tuple type.

  • ValueError – At least one of UDS Packet Records sequence elements is not an object of AbstractUdsPacketRecord class.

Return type


property payload(self)

Raw bytes of payload that this diagnostic message carried.

Return type


property packets_records(self)

Sequence (in transmission order) of UDS packets records that carried this diagnostic message.

Return type


property addressing(self)

Addressing type which was used to transmit this message.

Return type


property direction(self)

Information whether this message was received or sent by the code.

Return type


property transmission_start(self)

Time stamp when transmission of this messages was initiated.

It is determined by a moment of time when the first packet (that carried this message) was published to a bus (either received or transmitted).


Time stamp when transmission of this message was initiated.

Return type


property transmission_end(self)

Time stamp when transmission of this messages was completed.

It is determined by a moment of time when the last packet (that carried this message) was published to a bus (either received or transmitted).


Time stamp when transmission of this message was completed.

Return type
