
Implementation of CAN Addressing Formats.

Module Contents



Definition of CAN addressing formats.



Alias that describes CanAddressingFormat member.

class uds.can.addressing_format.CanAddressingFormat[source]

Bases: aenum.StrEnum, uds.utilities.ValidatedEnum

Inheritance diagram of uds.can.addressing_format.CanAddressingFormat

Definition of CAN addressing formats.

CAN addressing formats determines how (in which fields of a CAN Packet) Network Address Information (N_AI) is provided.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

NORMAL_11BIT_ADDRESSING = Normal 11-bit Addressing

Normal addressing format that uses 11-bit CAN Identifiers.

NORMAL_FIXED_ADDRESSING = Normal Fixed Addressing

Normal fixed addressing format. It is a subformat of Normal addressing which uses 29-bit CAN Identifiers only.

EXTENDED_ADDRESSING = Extended Addressing

Extended addressing format.

MIXED_11BIT_ADDRESSING = Mixed 11-bit Addressing

Mixed addressing with 11-bit CAN ID format. It is a subformat of mixed addressing.

MIXED_29BIT_ADDRESSING = Mixed 29-bit Addressing

Mixed addressing with 29-bit CAN ID format. It is a subformat of mixed addressing.


Alias that describes CanAddressingFormat member.