
Package for handling Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) protocol defined by ISO-14229.

The package is meant to provide tools that enables:
  • monitoring UDS communication

  • simulation of any UDS node (either a client or a server)

  • testing of a device that supports UDS

  • injection of communication faults on any layers 3-7 of UDS OSI Model

The package is created with an idea to support any communication bus:


Package Contents

uds.__version__ = 0.2.0
uds.__author__ = Maciej Dąbrowski
uds.__maintainer__ = Maciej Dąbrowski
uds.__credits__ = ['Maciej Dąbrowski (https://www.linkedin.com/in/maciej-dabrowski-test-engineer/)', 'Merit...
uds.__email__ = uds-package-development@googlegroups.com
uds.__license__ = MIT