Source code for uds.segmentation.abstract_segmenter

"""Definition of API for segmentation and desegmentation strategies."""

__all__ = ["SegmentationError", "AbstractSegmenter"]

from typing import Tuple, Type, Union, Any
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from uds.message import UdsMessage, UdsMessageRecord
from uds.packet import PacketAlias, PacketsSequence, PacketsDefinitionTuple

[docs]class SegmentationError(ValueError): """UDS segmentation or desegmentation process cannot be completed due to input data inconsistency."""
[docs]class AbstractSegmenter(ABC): """ Abstract definition of a segmenter class. Segmenter classes defines UDS segmentation and desegmentation duties. They contain helper methods that are essential for successful :ref:`segmentation <knowledge-base-message-segmentation>` and :ref:`desegmentation <knowledge-base-packets-desegmentation>` execution. .. note:: Each concrete segmenter class handles exactly one bus. """ @property @abstractmethod def supported_packet_classes(self) -> Tuple[Type[PacketAlias], ...]: """Classes that define packet objects supported by this segmenter."""
[docs] def is_supported_packet(self, value: Any) -> bool: """ Check if the argument value is a packet object of a supported type. :param value: Value to check. :return: True if provided value is an object of a supported packet type, False otherwise. """ return isinstance(value, self.supported_packet_classes) # type: ignore
[docs] def is_supported_packets_sequence(self, value: Any) -> bool: """ Check if the argument value is a packet sequence of a supported type. :param value: Value to check. :return: True if provided value is a packet sequence of a supported type, False otherwise. """ if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # not a sequence return False if not all(self.is_supported_packet(element) for element in value): # at least one element is not a packet of a supported type return False # check if all packets are the same type return len({type(element) for element in value}) == 1
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_complete_packets_sequence(self, packets: PacketsSequence) -> bool: """ Check whether provided packets are full sequence of packets that form exactly one diagnostic message. :param packets: Packets sequence to check. :return: True if the packets form exactly one diagnostic message. False if there are missing, additional or inconsistent (e.g. two packets that initiate a message) packets. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def desegmentation(self, packets: PacketsSequence) -> Union[UdsMessage, UdsMessageRecord]: """ Perform desegmentation of UDS packets. :param packets: UDS packets to desegment into UDS message. :raise SegmentationError: Provided packets are not a complete packet sequence that form a diagnostic message. :return: A diagnostic message that is an outcome of UDS packets desegmentation. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def segmentation(self, message: UdsMessage) -> PacketsDefinitionTuple: """ Perform segmentation of a diagnostic message. :param message: UDS message to divide into UDS packets. :raise SegmentationError: Provided diagnostic message cannot be segmented. :return: UDS packets that are an outcome of UDS message segmentation. """