Source code for uds.segmentation.can_segmenter

"""Segmentation specific for CAN bus."""

__all__ = ["CanSegmenter"]

from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Dict, Type
from copy import copy

from uds.utilities import RawByte, RawBytesList, validate_raw_byte, AmbiguityError
from uds.transmission_attributes import AddressingType, AddressingTypeAlias
from uds.can import CanAddressingInformationHandler, CanAddressingFormat, CanAddressingFormatAlias, \
    CanDlcHandler, CanSingleFrameHandler, CanFirstFrameHandler, CanConsecutiveFrameHandler, DEFAULT_FILLER_BYTE
from uds.packet import CanPacket, CanPacketRecord, CanPacketType, PacketAlias, PacketsSequence, PacketsDefinitionTuple
from uds.message import UdsMessage, UdsMessageRecord
from .abstract_segmenter import AbstractSegmenter, SegmentationError

AIArgsAlias = Dict[str, Optional[Union[int, RawByte]]]
"""Alias of Addressing Information arguments to configure CAN Segmenter communication model."""
AIParamsAlias = Dict[str, Optional[Union[int, AddressingTypeAlias]]]
"""Alias of Addressing Information parameters used by CAN Segmenter for each communication model."""

[docs]class CanSegmenter(AbstractSegmenter): """Segmenter class that provides utilities for segmentation and desegmentation on CAN bus.""" def __init__(self, *, addressing_format: CanAddressingFormatAlias, physical_ai: Optional[AIArgsAlias] = None, functional_ai: Optional[AIArgsAlias] = None, dlc: int = CanDlcHandler.MIN_BASE_UDS_DLC, use_data_optimization: bool = False, filler_byte: RawByte = DEFAULT_FILLER_BYTE) -> None: """ Configure CAN Segmenter. :param addressing_format: CAN Addressing format used. :param physical_ai: CAN Addressing Information parameters to use for physically addressed communication. Leave None if the segmenter will not be used for segmenting physically addressed messages. :param functional_ai: CAN Addressing Information parameters to use for functionally addressed communication. Leave None if the segmenter will not be used for segmenting functionally addressed messages. :param dlc: Base CAN DLC value to use for CAN Packets. :param use_data_optimization: Information whether to use CAN Frame Data Optimization during segmentation. :param filler_byte: Filler byte value to use for CAN Frame Data Padding during segmentation. """ CanAddressingFormat.validate_member(addressing_format) self.__addressing_format: CanAddressingFormatAlias = CanAddressingFormat(addressing_format) self.physical_ai = physical_ai # type: ignore self.functional_ai = functional_ai # type: ignore self.dlc = dlc self.use_data_optimization = use_data_optimization self.filler_byte = filler_byte @property def supported_packet_classes(self) -> Tuple[Type[PacketAlias], ...]: """Classes that define packet objects supported by this segmenter.""" return CanPacket, CanPacketRecord @property def addressing_format(self) -> CanAddressingFormatAlias: """CAN Addressing format used.""" return self.__addressing_format @property def physical_ai(self) -> Optional[AIParamsAlias]: """ CAN Addressing Information parameters used for physically addressed communication. None if physically addressed communication parameters are not configured. """ return copy(self.__physical_ai) @physical_ai.setter def physical_ai(self, value: Optional[AIArgsAlias]): """ Set value of CAN Addressing Information parameters to use for physically addressed communication. :param value: Value to set. """ if value is None: self.__physical_ai: Optional[AIParamsAlias] = None else: CanAddressingInformationHandler.validate_ai( addressing_format=self.addressing_format, addressing_type=AddressingType.PHYSICAL, **value) physical_ai = copy(value) physical_ai.update({ "addressing_format": self.addressing_format, # type: ignore CanAddressingInformationHandler.ADDRESSING_TYPE_NAME: AddressingType.PHYSICAL # type: ignore }) self.__physical_ai = physical_ai # type: ignore @property def functional_ai(self) -> AIParamsAlias: """ CAN Addressing Information parameters used for functionally addressed communication. None if functionally addressed communication parameters are not configured. """ return copy(self.__functional_ai) # type: ignore @functional_ai.setter def functional_ai(self, value: Optional[AIArgsAlias]): """ Set value of CAN Addressing Information parameters to use for functionally addressed communication. :param value: Value to set. """ if value is None: self.__functional_ai: Optional[AIParamsAlias] = None else: CanAddressingInformationHandler.validate_ai( addressing_format=self.addressing_format, addressing_type=AddressingType.FUNCTIONAL, **value) functional_ai = copy(value) functional_ai.update({ "addressing_format": self.addressing_format, # type: ignore CanAddressingInformationHandler.ADDRESSING_TYPE_NAME: AddressingType.FUNCTIONAL # type: ignore }) self.__functional_ai = functional_ai # type: ignore @property def dlc(self) -> int: """ Value of base CAN DLC to use for CAN Packets. .. note:: All output CAN Packets (created by :meth:`~uds.segmentation.can_segmenter.CanSegmenter.segmentation`) will have this DLC value set unless :ref:`CAN Frame Data Optimization <knowledge-base-can-data-optimization>` is used. """ return self.__dlc @dlc.setter def dlc(self, value: int): """ Set value of base CAN DLC to use for CAN Packets. :param value: Value to set. :raise ValueError: Provided value is too small. """ CanDlcHandler.validate_dlc(value) if value < CanDlcHandler.MIN_BASE_UDS_DLC: raise ValueError(f"Provided value is too small. Expected: DLC >= {CanDlcHandler.MIN_BASE_UDS_DLC}. " f"Actual value: {value}") self.__dlc: int = value @property def use_data_optimization(self) -> bool: """Information whether to use CAN Frame Data Optimization for CAN Packet created during segmentation.""" return self.__use_data_optimization @use_data_optimization.setter def use_data_optimization(self, value: bool): """ Set whether to use CAN Frame Data Optimization for CAN Packet created during segmentation. :param value: Value to set. """ self.__use_data_optimization: bool = bool(value) @property def filler_byte(self) -> RawByte: """Filler byte value to use for CAN Frame Data Padding during segmentation.""" return self.__filler_byte @filler_byte.setter def filler_byte(self, value: RawByte): """ Set value of filler byte to use for CAN Frame Data Padding. :param value: Value to set. """ validate_raw_byte(value) self.__filler_byte: RawByte = value
[docs] def desegmentation(self, packets: PacketsSequence) -> Union[UdsMessage, UdsMessageRecord]: """ Perform desegmentation of CAN packets. :param packets: CAN packets to desegment into UDS message. :raise SegmentationError: Provided packets are not a complete packets sequence that form a diagnostic message. :raise NotImplementedError: There is missing implementation for the provided CAN Packets. Please create an issue in our `Issues Tracking System <>`_ with detailed description if you face this error. :return: A diagnostic message that is an outcome of CAN packets desegmentation. """ if not self.is_complete_packets_sequence(packets): raise SegmentationError("Provided packets are not a complete packets sequence") if isinstance(packets[0], CanPacketRecord): return UdsMessageRecord(packets) # type: ignore if isinstance(packets[0], CanPacket): if packets[0].packet_type == CanPacketType.SINGLE_FRAME and len(packets) == 1: return UdsMessage(payload=packets[0].payload, # type: ignore addressing_type=packets[0].addressing_type) if packets[0].packet_type == CanPacketType.FIRST_FRAME: payload_bytes: RawBytesList = [] for packet in packets: if packet.payload is not None: payload_bytes.extend(packet.payload) return UdsMessage(payload=payload_bytes[:packets[0].data_length], addressing_type=packets[0].addressing_type) raise SegmentationError("Unexpectedly, something went wrong...") raise NotImplementedError(f"Missing implementation for provided CAN Packet: {type(packets[0])}")
[docs] def segmentation(self, message: UdsMessage) -> PacketsDefinitionTuple: """ Perform segmentation of a diagnostic message. :param message: UDS message to divide into UDS packets. :raise TypeError: Provided value is not instance of UdsMessage class. :raise AmbiguityError: Segmentation cannot be completed because CAN Segmenter is not properly configured. :raise NotImplementedError: There is missing implementation for the Addressing Type used by provided message. Please create an issue in our `Issues Tracking System <>`_ with detailed description if you face this error. :return: CAN packets that are an outcome of UDS message segmentation. """ if not isinstance(message, UdsMessage): raise TypeError(f"Provided value is not instance of UdsMessage class. Actual type: {type(message)}") if message.addressing_type == AddressingType.PHYSICAL: if self.physical_ai is None: raise AmbiguityError("Provided diagnostic message cannot be segmented as physical addressing " "information are not configured.") return self.__physical_segmentation(message) if message.addressing_type == AddressingType.FUNCTIONAL: if self.functional_ai is None: raise AmbiguityError("Provided diagnostic message cannot be segmented as functional addressing " "information are not configured.") return self.__functional_segmentation(message) raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown addressing type received: {message.addressing_type}")
[docs] def is_complete_packets_sequence(self, packets: PacketsSequence) -> bool: """ Check whether provided packets are full sequence of packets that form exactly one diagnostic message. :param packets: Packets sequence to check. :raise ValueError: Provided value is not CAN packets sequence. :raise NotImplementedError: There is missing implementation for the provided initial packet type. Please create an issue in our `Issues Tracking System <>`_ with detailed description if you face this error. :return: True if the packets form exactly one diagnostic message. False if there are missing, additional or inconsistent (e.g. two packets that initiate a message) packets. """ if not self.is_supported_packets_sequence(packets): raise ValueError("Provided packets are not consistent CAN Packets sequence.") if not CanPacketType.is_initial_packet_type(packets[0].packet_type): return False if packets[0].packet_type == CanPacketType.SINGLE_FRAME: return len(packets) == 1 if packets[0].packet_type == CanPacketType.FIRST_FRAME: total_payload_size = packets[0].data_length payload_bytes_found = len(packets[0].payload) # type: ignore for following_packet in packets[1:]: if CanPacketType.is_initial_packet_type(following_packet.packet_type): return False if payload_bytes_found >= total_payload_size: # type: ignore return False if following_packet.payload is not None: payload_bytes_found += len(following_packet.payload) return payload_bytes_found >= total_payload_size # type: ignore raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown packet type received: {packets[0].packet_type}")
def __physical_segmentation(self, message: UdsMessage) -> PacketsDefinitionTuple: """ Segment physically addressed diagnostic message. :param message: UDS message to divide into UDS packets. :raise SegmentationError: Provided diagnostic message cannot be segmented. :return: CAN packets that are an outcome of UDS message segmentation. """ message_payload_size = len(message.payload) if message_payload_size > CanFirstFrameHandler.MAX_LONG_FF_DL_VALUE: raise SegmentationError("Provided diagnostic message cannot be segmented to CAN Packet as it is too big " "to transmit it over CAN bus.") if message_payload_size <= CanSingleFrameHandler.get_max_payload_size(addressing_format=self.addressing_format, dlc=self.dlc): single_frame = CanPacket(packet_type=CanPacketType.SINGLE_FRAME, # type: ignore payload=message.payload, filler_byte=self.filler_byte, dlc=None if self.use_data_optimization else self.dlc, **self.physical_ai) return (single_frame,) ff_payload_size = CanFirstFrameHandler.get_payload_size( addressing_format=self.addressing_format, dlc=self.dlc, long_ff_dl_format=message_payload_size > CanFirstFrameHandler.MAX_SHORT_FF_DL_VALUE) first_frame = CanPacket(packet_type=CanPacketType.FIRST_FRAME, # type: ignore payload=message.payload[:ff_payload_size], dlc=self.dlc, data_length=message_payload_size, **self.physical_ai) cf_payload_size = CanConsecutiveFrameHandler.get_max_payload_size(addressing_format=self.addressing_format, dlc=self.dlc) total_cfs_number = (message_payload_size - ff_payload_size + cf_payload_size - 1) // cf_payload_size consecutive_frames = [] for cf_index in range(total_cfs_number): sequence_number = (cf_index + 1) % 0x10 payload_i_start = ff_payload_size + cf_index * cf_payload_size payload_i_stop = payload_i_start + cf_payload_size consecutive_frame = CanPacket(packet_type=CanPacketType.CONSECUTIVE_FRAME, # type: ignore payload=message.payload[payload_i_start: payload_i_stop], dlc=None if self.use_data_optimization and cf_index == total_cfs_number - 1 else self.dlc, sequence_number=sequence_number, filler_byte=self.filler_byte, **self.physical_ai) consecutive_frames.append(consecutive_frame) return (first_frame, *consecutive_frames) def __functional_segmentation(self, message: UdsMessage) -> PacketsDefinitionTuple: """ Segment functionally addressed diagnostic message. :param message: UDS message to divide into UDS packets. :raise SegmentationError: Provided diagnostic message cannot be segmented. :return: CAN packets that are an outcome of UDS message segmentation. """ max_payload_size = CanSingleFrameHandler.get_max_payload_size(addressing_format=self.addressing_format, dlc=self.dlc) message_payload_size = len(message.payload) if message_payload_size > max_payload_size: raise SegmentationError("Provided diagnostic message cannot be segmented using functional addressing " "as it will not fit into a Single Frame.") single_frame = CanPacket(packet_type=CanPacketType.SINGLE_FRAME, payload=message.payload, filler_byte=self.filler_byte, dlc=None if self.use_data_optimization else self.dlc, **self.functional_ai) # type: ignore return (single_frame,)