Source code for uds.utilities.bytes_operations

"""Module with bytes list operations implementation."""

__all__ = ["Endianness", "EndiannessAlias", "bytes_list_to_int", "int_to_bytes_list"]

from typing import Union, Optional

from aenum import StrEnum

from .enums import ValidatedEnum
from .common_types import RawBytesList, RawBytes, validate_raw_bytes
from .custom_exceptions import InconsistentArgumentsError

[docs]class Endianness(StrEnum, ValidatedEnum): """ Endianness values definitions. `Endianness <>`_ determines order of bytes in a bytes sequence. """ LITTLE_ENDIAN = "little" """Little Endian stores the most significant byte at the largest memory address and the least significant byte at the smallest.""" BIG_ENDIAN = "big" """Big Endian stores the most significant byte at the smallest memory address and the least significant byte at the largest."""
EndiannessAlias = Union[Endianness, str] """Alias that describes :class:`~uds.utilities.bytes_operations.Endianness` member type."""
[docs]def bytes_list_to_int(bytes_list: RawBytes, endianness: EndiannessAlias = Endianness.BIG_ENDIAN) -> int: """ Convert a list of bytes to integer value. :param bytes_list: List of bytes to convert. :param endianness: Order of bytes to use. :return: The integer value represented by provided list of bytes. """ validate_raw_bytes(bytes_list) Endianness.validate_member(endianness) return int.from_bytes(bytes=bytes_list, byteorder=endianness)
[docs]def int_to_bytes_list(int_value: int, list_size: Optional[int] = None, endianness: EndiannessAlias = Endianness.BIG_ENDIAN) -> RawBytesList: """ Convert integer value to a list of bytes. :param int_value: Integer value to convert. :param list_size: Size of the output list. Use None to use the smallest possible list size. :param endianness: Order of bytes to use. :raise TypeError: At least one provided value has invalid type. :raise ValueError: At least one provided value is out of range. :raise InconsistentArgumentsError: Provided value of `list_size` is too small to contain entire `int_value`. :raise NotImplementedError: There is missing implementation for the provided Endianness. Please create an issue in our `Issues Tracking System <>`_ with detailed description if you face this error. :return: The value of bytes list that represents the provided integer value. """ if not isinstance(int_value, int): raise TypeError(f"Provided `int_value` is not int type. Actual type: {type(int_value)}") if int_value < 0: raise ValueError(f"Provided `int_value` is negative and it cannot be converted. Actual value: {int_value}") if list_size is not None: if not isinstance(list_size, int): raise TypeError(f"Provided `list_size` is not int type. Actual type: {type(list_size)}") if list_size <= 0: raise ValueError(f"Provided `list_size` is not greater than zero. Actual value: {list_size}") Endianness.validate_member(endianness) bytes_number = max(1, (int_value.bit_length() + 7) // 8) list_size = list_size or bytes_number if list_size < bytes_number: raise InconsistentArgumentsError(f"Provided value of `list_size` is too small to contain all byte of int_value." f"Actual values: int_value={int_value}, list_size={list_size}") hex_value = "".join(["{", f":0{2 * bytes_number}X", "}"]).format(int_value) bytes_list = list(bytes.fromhex(hex_value)) bytes_list = ([0] * (list_size - len(bytes_list))) + bytes_list if endianness == Endianness.BIG_ENDIAN: return bytes_list if endianness == Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN: return bytes_list[::-1] raise NotImplementedError(f"Implementation missing for: {endianness}.")